Perry Motors Toyota

Dec 21, 2023
A pile of tools on a table near Bishop, CA

If your Toyota encounters a problem far from home, having the right tool for the job can get you back on the road again in no time. It’s always advisable to keep a car tool kit in your trunk for any emergency. As your local Toyota dealer, we’d like to advise you on some of the best tools to keep in your kit.

Tire Inflator

Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where there is no safe, level ground to position a jack for lifting your car to change a flat tire, or you simply need to get back on the road quickly. A can of tire inflator will have you back behind the wheel in no time. All you need to do is remove the tire valve cap, screw the nozzle of the can into the valve, and depress the button on the can.

A tire inflator contains pressurized liquid that will quickly fill the inside of your tire. It permanently plugs any punctures and reinflates the tire at the same time. Once the can is empty, replace the valve cap, and drive away. As you drive, the liquid will solidify in the tire. It’s not a permanent solution, but it will allow you to reach us, your trusted Toyota dealer, where we’ll fit a new tire for you.

Wrench Set

A good wrench set can tighten many things in your car. Opt for a set that includes a range of differently sized wrenches, ideally featuring a combination of a ratcheted fitting on one side and an open-ended fitting on the other. This gives versatility for every task.

Breaker Bar

A breaker bar is a long-handled ratchet that gives you extra leverage to turn rusted, jammed, or tightly fastened nuts and bolts. It’s particularly good for quickly and easily removing lug nuts when you need to change a tire.

Zip Ties

Zip ties are fairly cheap and are available in a wide variety of sizes. They’re also strong, and large-sized zip ties can temporarily hold items in place until you can get them fixed. A good example is a broken radiator hose clamp. These clamps are made from metal and tightly secure the hose to the radiator. Several large zip tires can hold the hose in place long enough to get to us for a permanent repair.

Screwdriver Set

A screwdriver set is handy for fixing many different problems. We recommend choosing a set with a variety of different heads and sizes. It’s also a good idea to choose a set with ergonomic handles as they’re easy to grip and reduce strain on your fingers and wrist while you’re working. If you’d like to know more about additions to your toolkit, or to fix a temporary repair you’ve already made, call us today at Perry Motors Toyota.